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Hollywood, California

Programmed by Jodi Wille

Co-presented by Jodi Wille of Process Media & Maja D’Aoust, The White Witch of Los Angeles

The Witch has held a seductive, supernatural sway in nearly every culture since the dawn of man. Some dedicate their powers to healing and the service of mankind; others manipulate the mysteries to control or destroy others for gain. Loved, hated, revered, or persecuted — the Witch is one of the most misunderstood, demonized archetypes of all time. Join White Witch Maja D’Aoust and Process Media’s Jodi Wille for a spellbinding evening of film, ritual, and revelation as we illumine the role of the Witch through the ages, in popular consciousness and as conveyed through the cinematic eye. See the LA premieres of new, witch-made films by Sera Timms and Micki Pellerano, never-shown Source Family white magic rituals on film, a newly restored 16mm print of Curtis Harrington’s The Wormwood Star presented by artist-occultist Brian Butler, and more — along with selects of some of the most obscure, strange, electrifying, and influential moments of the Witch in film history. Afterwards, D’Aoust, Santeria priestess Marlene Vargas, and white wizard clairvoyant Aiden Chase will be LIVE onstage to discuss their craft and what it means to be a true witch in Los Angeles today!!!

(Image: Curtis Harrington’s The Wormwood Star, 1956)