

7/14/17 - 7/15/17

Spectacle Theater
Brooklyn, New York

The Unarius Brotherhood were on a radical mission from the late-‘70s to the mid-‘80s: to spread their “interdimensional science of life” and the principles of reincarnation to the masses via some of the most wildly inventive, way outside-the-box public access TV programming in America. Their cosmic leader, the exuberant septuagenarian Ruth Norman (aka Archangel Uriel), an advanced clairvoyant with a fondness for glittery dresses, rainbow capes and benevolent aliens, permanently altered the minds of tens of thousands across the country — from late-night stoners to seekers leaving behind their lives in order to move to El Cajon, CA, and join the cause.

As part of their outreach, the Unarians created elaborate psychodramatic “documentaries” for the purpose of spiritual healing: films of Uriel and the students channeling and re-enacting their previous lives together on Earth and other planets, no matter how debauched or outlandish — for spiritual healing. Utilizing otherworldly costumes and makeup, guerilla location-filming techniques, elaborate sets and ingenious no-budget special effects, this ambitious collective produced a legacy of some of the most mind-shattering, oddly uplifting gems of American outsider cinema. Bootlegged and coveted by collectors for decades, these films have rarely before been presented as works on the large screen.

Unarius Workshop 1: Develop Your Creative and Clairvoyant Potential

Saturday, July 14: 5PM

Enhance your creative and psychic abilities through your participation in an inspirational art workshop! This session, led by Unariuns Kevin & Tracey Kennedy, will help you to make the connection with your higher self and will focus on: What is your higher self? Where does inspiration come from? How do I overcome blocks and unleash my creative potential?

Film Program 1

Saturday, July 14: 8 PM

Intro by Jodi Wille (Dir. The Source Family) and Q&A with Unariuns Kevin & Tracey Kennedy, Celeste and Jack Appel

* Documentary short “We Are Not Alone” (dir. Jodi Wille, 2016, 11 min)

* A mixtape of super-rare peak moments from the golden age of Unarius psychodramas. (edited by Tom Fitzgerald/EXP, 30 min)

* A new digital transfer of the Unarius 16mm masterwork THE ARRIVAL (dir. The Unariun Brotherhood and Prince Uriel, 1980, 50 min)

This first-of-its-kind film was made by Unarius in the late 1970s, with a very a low budget but achieving astonishing special effects involving the cosmos, spaceships, and interplanetary beings—long before CGI. THE ARRIVAL is a true story of the first contact with another world, reenacted by individuals reliving their past lives on the continent of Lemuria,162,000 years ago.

Film Program 2

Sunday, July 15: 8PM

Intro by Thalia Mavros from The Front and Q&A with Unariuns Kevin & Tracey Kennedy, Celeste and Jack Appel

* Documentary short “We Are Not Alone” (dir. Jodi Wille, 2016, 11 min)

* A collection of rare and unreleased TV appearances and public access performances (30 min)

* A VISIT TO THE UNDERGROUND CITIES OF MARS (dir. The Unarian Brotherhood, 1977, 40 min)

Take a psychic voyage and see for yourself the underground cities of Mars! Our neighbors on Mars have developed a peaceful lifestyle that is technologically and spiritually far in advance of our own. This amazing film, completed before the Viking lander’s photographs revealed what appear to be the remains of an ancient civilization on the surface of Mars, portrays beautiful underground cities. Discover how the Martians learned to live in peace and harmony!